
Analizor Termogravimetric TGA THERMOSTEP

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Analizor Termogravimetric Thermostep TGA Reliable and flexible

Precise results High-performance analysis technology

The TGA Thermostep is a powerful thermogravimetric analyzer characterized by robust design, high precision and flexibility. It is possible to apply different atmospheres and to use sample weights of up to 5 g. The Thermostep reliably and efficiently measures parameters such as moisture, ash and volatiles according to a user-defined SOP.

Purging gas

The TGA Thermostep is very flexible with regards to the purging gas used. At each stage of the analysis either nitrogen, oxygen or surrounding atmosphere can be selected. In the latter, the surrounding atmosphere penetrates into the TGA Thermostep, gently oxidizing the samples.

Temperature control

The furnace temperature is monitored by two thermocouples which are not encapsulated. One thermocouple monitors the temperature inside the furnace, the other monitors the temperature within the heating element. Due to the absence of the encapsulation the heating can be controlled quickly and precisely.

Encapsulated weighing cell

The latest TGA Thermostep generation features an encapsulated weighing cell with 0.1 mg resolution providing highly precise measurements. The encapsulation isolates the weighing cell from the ambient atmosphere and is extremely stable. The weighing cell is connected to the furnace by a ceramic spindle with pedestal on which the crucibles are placed.

High-capacity heating elements

High-capacity heating elements



Analizor Termogravimetric Thermostep TGA Simple operation yields quick results

Operation of the TGA Thermostep is simple, convenient and safe. After selecting the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in the PC, the sample ID’s can be entered into the software. The samples are then weighed in the crucible at the position assigned to the sample ID in the carousel. After one sample has been weighed, the carousel automatically rotates to the next position and the next registered sample can then be weighed in the crucible. Alternatively, a carousel filled with samples which has been weighed externally, can be placed into the analyzer.

It is also possible to position a second carousel with crucible lids above the crucibles. Once the analysis is finished, a new cycle can be started after a short cool-down period.

Simple operation yields quick results - Weighing the sample

Weighing the sample

Simple operation yields quick results - Option: Crucible lids

Option: Crucible lids

Simple operation yields quick results - Display of analysis results

Display of analysis results

Analysis graph

Analysis graph

The TGA software can provide different content of the TGA measurement

  • Weight loss graph
  • Absolute weights
  • First deviation of weight loss
  • Temperature graph
  • Measuring stages

Analysis results

Analysis results

The results table displays the current available measurement data.

  • Display of new results after every measuring step
  • Results can be calculated as analysed or on dry base
  • Optional grouping for multiple measurements of one sample type

User defined screen layout

User defined screen layout

For a better overview on the current analysis status, the user can create an own layout of the screen

  • Measuring graphs
  • Current results
  • Position of the carousel
  • Diagnosis screens 

Analysis of coal & coke

Aplicaţii - Analysis of coal & coke

The TGA Thermostep can determine the parameter moisture, volatile and ash in one analysis cycle due the automatic placing and removing of lids. The TGA is compliant to ASTM D 7582. 

Analysis of building materials

Aplicaţii- Analysis of building materials

Building materials require the measurement of moisture and loss on ignition (LOI). The LOI can indicate the presence of organic matter or carbonates. 

Analysis of food

Aplicaţii- Analysis of food

Some foods like pet foods, biscuits, or milk require the measurement of dry mass and ash content. Due to the encapsuled weighing cell even the ash content of fluor could be measured safe and precise. 

Principiu de funcţionare

Operarea analizorului TGA Thermostep este simplă și comodă. Procesul de măsurare trebuie definit o dată, în ceea ce privește temperaturile utilizate, atmosferele și intervalele de încălzire. Pentru a începe analiza, un proces predefinit trebuie ales în software, iar proba trebuie cântărită în creuzet. Toate etapele următoare sunt procesate automat. Prelucrarea tuturor datelor, controlul procesului de măsurare și calcularea rezultatului sunt realizate de un PC extern cu software Windows®. Procesul de determinare a umidității, conținutului de substanțe volatile și conţinutului de cenușă are nevoie de aproximativ 4 ore.