
Webinar: Elemental Analyzer Solutions for Coal Applications

Coal is still one of the most widely used fossil fuels. Compared to the large amount of mined coal, the required sample volume for the analysis of coal, varying between a few mg and 1 gram, seems fairly small. The characterization of coal is the basis for quality assessment and further use, like coking, steel production or electrical power generation.

In the webinar "Elemental Analyzer Solutions for Coal Applications" we take a look at the chemical background of proximate and ultimate coal analysis and how these parameters are measured with ELTRA’s combustion and thermogravimetric analyzers.

Topics of this webinar include

  • Overview of elemental combustion analysis
  • Carbon, sulfur and hydrogen determination in coal and coke samples
  • Automated solutions for high-throughput applications
  • Detection of moisture, volatiles and ash content by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
  • Suitable consumables and calibration standards
Presented by
Dr. Andreas Theisen, Sales Manager, Eltra GmbH
Kaan Toprak, Sales Manager, Eltra GmbH

Înregistrări webinare

Limbă: Germană